By applying the tenants of pervasive computing (PvC) in conjunction with the philosophy of speculative design, “Computer Driven Objects with Familiar Objects” (CDEFO) aims not only to digitally and physically express our emotional attachment to objects, but also pose questions about how we interact with computers and objects.

Over the semester that I worked on it, CDEFO existed in two forms:

My hope is that CDEFO will lead to reflection about the future of PvC as a form of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), primarily as it relates to computers being tools for expression. The “user experiences” you are about to witness are a series of audiovisual stimuli that aim to physically manifest the emotions we feel toward our cherished objects. The experiences are conducted at room-scale to effectively convey the ideas of Pervasive Computing.

Photo of the "room" during the Capstone Fair.
The central control box.
The "room" all disassembled .