About Me and the Project

Hi, Everyone,

My name is Jeremy Booth and I’m currently a second year student at the University of Maryland College Park as a part of the Design Cultures and Creativity Honors College.

As you can probably garner from looking at the abstract, I’m a big fan of technology from both a software and hardware standpoint. My philosophy when working on CDEFO is that I wanted to spare no effort to accomplish what I wanted to get done. Everything I needed to do I did myself with minimal help. I learned Python, I learned C++, I learned how to properly use Github for VCS, I learned to make a laser cutter design in illustrator, I built an entire room just to demonstrate the software I was writing. Heck, I even learned how to code in HTML and Markdown just to write this website (I didn’t, however, write the CSS, I downloaded a theme).

The scope of my project started big, and it seemed to me it actually expanded as the semester went along and as I found more problems that needed solving. I had a blast exploring my own capabilities, knowing that as I went along I was learning to do one more thing that I didn’t know previously, like how to multithread an Arduino, how to properly write a Python script so that it can be instantiated as a module, and how to manually build the packages I need when Windows doesn’t have an installer for them.

Not only did this give me the opportunity to learn new things, but this also gave me the platform to educate people about the endlessly interesting field of Ubiquitous Computing and how we can use it (and other technologies) for artistic expression; and engage people about why they cherish what they cherish.

I am so grateful to DCC for giving me the opportunity and direction to actually get a project like this off the ground.